Is low self-esteem the big issue?
Low self-esteem is a constant theme that runs through much of my client work. By no means to do all potential clients come to me asking for help with this issue, of course, but it often comes up. One person …
Low self-esteem is a constant theme that runs through much of my client work. By no means to do all potential clients come to me asking for help with this issue, of course, but it often comes up. One person …
Learning language skills can be so powerful. I can’t over-emphasise the importance of using the right word in the right situation. Asking the right questions, giving feedback, maintaining rapport—these are all incredibly valuable skills that will make day-to-day interactions smoother, …
Language skills: When is the best time to ask’why’? Read more »
On Valentines day, the world goes a little crazy. For this one day everything in the shops turns pink and gets covered in roses. The price of flowers explodes, restaurants rearrange their seeting to look like school examination halls with …
Whether in a relationship, your career, financially or personally, bad thinking habits can really slow your progress, create conflict or knock your confidence. So, I thought I would present a list of my top 7 deadly thinking styles. I’ll explain …
Sometimes a person will reach a point in life where they come to a devastating realisation. ‘It’s all my fault’. In any aspect of our lives we may spend a considerable amount of time feeling that we are the victim …
Past hurt is inevitable. It is almost impossible to go through life without conflict. There are always going to be people in our lives with whom we don’t see eye to eye. Marriage break-ups cause more rifts than just those …
Weight-loss at Christmas is something of a nightmare. Someone told me the other day that in order to burn off the calories gained by eating just one mince pie you would have to complete about 25 minutes of Burpees.Now, if …
Anger issues are among the most common themes that come up when working with neurolinguistic programming (NLP) clients. Often when I meet someone for the first time, clients will be concerned that they are having angry outbursts or feel pent-up …
I had an email the other day from a past client who I haven’t heard from for a while. It’s lovely to hear from people I have worked with, and especially nice when they occasionally just check in and tell …
I know, I know – you’ve probably seen a dozen New Year blogs, New Year products and other activities based around the idea that now is the time to change yourself. Thing is, it is true. Now is not the …
What Dickens’ 3 ghosts tell us about resolutions Read more »