A year of you – Structured Annual Coaching Package


What if you had a whole year of being able to focus on you? What if you had a structured, but flexible approach to change that meant you could really explore all the facets of your life and get on track to be the person you always wanted to be?

  • A complete perspective on who you are
  • Explore anything and everything
  • Personal power
  • A clear path to a better future
  • Effective change across your whole life
  • Help to overcome:
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Indecision
    • procrastination
    • low self-esteem/lack of confidence


This new, modern program of personal coaching and therapeutic intervention is designed to cover every facet of your life experience.

Your past

To some extent, the past is done. We can’t change it and we certainly can’t spend our lives reliving it. The best thing to do is to learn from it. This aspect of the program is not about analysis, or explanations. It’s about understanding the effects past learnings have on our present lives. We use a range of tools and techniques to reprogram those learnings that no longer serve us. We find new rules for life and create a set of standards to live by, going forward.

Your present

There really is just now, in a sense. Only what you are experiencing at this moment is real. If you are not happy now, there is no value to life.

This part of the program is about reframing your current experience so that you can begin to enjoy your life more. There may be many things you want, and many things you would like not to have in your life any more. Knowing you are on a trajectory of change can make things feel so much more positive and powerful, right now.

If you just decide to embark on this ambitious program of change, you can already start to feel better, and expect far more.

Your future

It hasn’t happened yet, and no future is set in stone. When you work in this area of the program you are focussing on a direction of travel. I will help you clarify your purpose, set goals and commit to your personal program of change. At the same time you will have someone alongside you to support in those times when things don’t quite run to plan. You’ll have someone to motivate you when you flag. There will always be a helping hand when an obstacle seems difficult to overcome.

Your mind

Having the right mindset is everything. Create something in your mind first and you are a long way to creating the reality. This is a fact. Put your mind to work on the things that will make the biggest difference. Let go of limiting beliefs, bad habits and self doubt. Focus on what you want and how to get there.

Your body

Am I too fat? Too thin? Am I too tall or too short?

So many of us find that how we look affects how we feel. Some things can and will change – our weight, our levels of fitness, our general physical well-being. We can work on those, and at the same time, the fundamental core of things is, that we are ‘okay’ as we are. Body confidence is a core tenet for me in my work with clients. We work together to help you value the way you look and the person you are.

Your life

When I ask people what is really important to them, they always include ‘happiness’ in the list. Hardly surprising. Happiness is a given. How you find it is the key.

It’s not about selfishness. In fact for some people the greatest happiness is in giving to others. Our ultimate goal in this journey of change has to be about finding your happiness.

The toolkit

  • Coaching
  • Neurolinguistic Programming
  • Timeline Therapy
  • Hypnotherapy
  • A range of other approaches from a variety of disciplines

My personal insights

  • Experience
  • Wisdom
  • Knowledge
  • Empathy


Having a structure in our coaching year means that we have a formula for change. Every person is different. I have never worked with two clients who have the same circumstances. So while I use this structured approach to my clients, I am always ready to change approach, pause and reflect, or follow a different path where the situation demands.

This is your change. I am there to guide, support and inspire. Together we can make a huge difference.

How do we work together when you sign up?

Once you have booked your place on the program we agree a plan, based on:

4 X sessions in the first month

1 X session in each subsequent month

Email support offered between sessions

Each session lasts about 60 – 90 minutes.

You can order now, through this page. You can also contact me direct and talk to me about what you need, and how I can help you.

Give me a call on  (+44)7877074053 or email me.