The book uses a range of tools and techniques to enable you to think about what you really want out of life and fomulate a resolution that moves you forward in your aims. There seems to be a prevalent attitude that resolutions are easily made and equally easily broken. That is a shame because the tradition of making a New Year resolution is a wonderful way to kick-start a life goal. You can really make a your life if you begin with that first promise to yourself. The aim of this book is to help those with the courage to commit to a new goal get the most out of it by really getting to grips with how, why and when they want to achieve it. The book aims to put your resolution in context with the rest of your life so that it becomes a part of who you are. In the process the book draws on a range of tools and techniques including traditional self-help methods and NLP techniques. It does this without being buried in jargon and historical background. There are pointers to further reading for those who want to develop their skills further. .
Making Your New Year Resolution Work for You
6,00 €
A relentlesly positive and constructive book that sets your new year resolution in the context of your wider goals and purpose for your life.