
I thought I’d drop you a line as a year has passed since I visited you. What a year it’s been. I moved jobs and now work for [xxxcompany]. I am so much happier in my work. My team and I have achieved an enormous amount and I am very proud of us all, so much so that I’ve entered us into a global excellence competition. Yesterday, I passed my first exam and am now accredited. It wasn’t easy, but my fear of failure didn’t hold me back. Finally and most importantly, I have met a wonderful man. We met in July and things have been great for us. We talk about the future as well as enjoying the now.

2015 really has been a wonderful year for me and I wanted to thank you for your help and support in guiding me from a pretty dark place to my goal of happiness! Thank you so much for helping me change my life!

J. W.Hove

Well what can I say, with your wonderful coaching I am on a wonderful journey and feel great and optimistic. I have completed a level one Reiki course and am waiting for level two to in October and then I can practice.
 My vibrational soul is beginning to flourish and I am living with more joy in my life as I was able to cleanse and remove further blockages which were holding  me back! I still have my dream and am working on making it happen, it will take time but not too much I sense, not many years anyway haha.
The only thing which is unclear is what to do in the meantime work wise as in I know it will be holistic but when and where are unclear so I am seeing it as that there is still some work to do on my cleansing process,  I sense it is more in relevance to working on my self and living as a vibrational being and it will all fall into place at the right time.
Work no longer affects me as it did and we actually have a laugh at times, the relationship dynamics have changed and it is more pleasant, but still boring and not where I will stay but no longer unbearable!
A home move will happen soon and my relationship with [Name confidential] is in harmony.
I feel big changes ahead and can even see changes in my children, I feel more relaxed, energised and purposeful, mostly I feel an abundance of love around me and for myself. I feel I am destined for big things because I no longer choose to be small and hide or resist my natural gifts!

G.D. - Crawley

I am 41, a father, husband, sports coach and executive.

Life seemed to be sucking me dry, demanding continuing amounts of my time and energies – seemingly with decreasing amounts of value and return, and with increased levels of distrust, arguments and stress.

Why – I knew not.

People said I was successful and strong, confident and a role model. But inside I felt lost and poor, drained: quite the opposite. Dealing with the mental swings of stress, no time and life’s day to day problems and pressures was getting too much. Indeed I felt stretched, unable to cope, unable to stop the pressures. I failed to be able to look further than me, I failed to appreciate the detrimental effect it was having on my relationships and family.

Robert was introduced to me as a life and NLP coach that might be able to refocus my values and help me regain some stability. Over a six week tailored program he helped me do so much more.

We were able to re-evaluate what is really important to me and where I draw my strength. We were able to assess, face and change my perceptions of what I feared, what felt wrong, why I was so angry and stressed, and why I felt I could not cope.

I am now understanding that (for me) to be in true balance, I must be quiet and allow my inner-self to guide and deal with life – not simply react. Robert has shown me how to create time and space in my consciousness. To use my precious energy and time only in the areas where I get most return, and to stop pumping energy in areas that give us least amounts of time. Robert has equipped me with tools to appreciate others views, not worry about perceptions, to take control and listen to the inner wisdom that exists in all of us. Robert has enabled me to reconnect to who I really am, and helped me shed all of my unwanted reactions, baggage and impressions.

Now the world seems colourful, light, full of energy and opportunistic. By refocusing my attentions into what matters to me, I realise it is easy to be happy in all that you do and experience.

People say I have changed. I have just become who I always was, without the burdens and pressures, that I chose to hold on to.

Oh how my relationships have improved, I feel in balance, I enjoy my family, I feel loved and appreciated, fulfilled but most of all capable and content.

I shall continue to see Robert regularly – as I now see how important it is to look after your spirit / ego and inner-self. It is good to look in the mirror and like what I see. Without Robert’s guidance I wonder what patterns would have been repeated and where my life would have disappeared to?

Mr. I. D. , UckfieldUckfield, East Sussex

Some time ago I was diagnosed with an overactive bladder. This makes me feel like I need the toilet when I actually do not. Although I know I don’t actually need to go to the toilet, prior to seeing Robert I often felt panicked about situations, events or places where I would not be able to quickly access a toilet such as the Underground, if the symptoms/pain got too much.  This made me start dreading certain things that I had planned and I would worry and panic about them for weeks in advance.

Between January and March I saw Robert six times. Through a combination of Hypnotherapy, NLP and other techniques I feel significantly less panicked/emotional and most importantly have started to look forward to upcoming events rather than dread them. Robert was very flexible and when certain techniques weren’t working as well for me he suggested alternative options until we found the right mix. I would heavily recommend Robert to anybody suffering with panic or anxiety. Robert really helped me to understand why my body was feeling anxious and to accept and move on from this rather than focusing on the panic which inevitably always led to more panic.

GemmaHaywards Heath

100% thank you for helping me Robert. I couldn’t believe how confident I felt. I didn’t even have the butterflies before or on the way 🙂

A.H. Hurstpierpoint, Brighton

I have found it remarkably easy to refrain from smoking since having hypnotherapy with Robert Sanders. I had previously struggled to stop smoking and vapouring, using patches and NHS drugs. Robert also taught me how to alleviate stress and anxiety.

D. C. , Hove

As a forward-thinking and responsible employer, Alexander Rose recognises that we need to look after the social and emotional well-being of our staff.   We have used Robert on an ad-hoc basis to support staff with life’s challenges, and have been very satisfied with the results.

Mike Brand, Finance Director, Alexander Rose, Burgess Hill.

I decided to take some time out & go to a few places in Europe. It was one of the things I’ve always wanted to do but thought I needed a partner to do it with…..
I have definitely gone back to not worrying about being with someone or overthinking the future. I’m more open to taking each day as it comes & not putting pressure on myself.
My confidence has also gone up & although I still get a bit embarrassed if I get compliments, I don’t feel really awkward like I used to or think they are just being kind as they pity me. I get more of a rush of adrenaline now & stand a bit taller.
I am also not worrying so much about my weight. I have lost weight slowly & had some compliments, however it’s not been done through focus or dieting & I’m not calorie counting anymore. I do have chocolate & bread occasionally but with the chocolate I don’t feel like I can’t stop eating it once I start anymore & the bread, although nice, doesn’t seem to have the same appeal. I don’t ‘crave’ it anymore & it actually bloats me out, so I barely have it compared with the past.

L.K. Haywards Heath

I had to miss two holidays because I was too terrified to fly, but after a couple of relaxing NLP and hypnotherapy sessions I was excited and looking forward to my next trip.

I had an amazing time in Turkey last year and I’m off again soon!

B. PullenHurstpierpoint, West Sussex

Robert and I engaged when I was going through a highly complex and challenging work situation and career crossroads combined with difficulties in communication with my partner.

Robert was a highly skilled listener, paying attention to high-level events and tiny details. He was able to reference details after multiple sessions, which was very helpful for me to stay grounded in a confusing time.

Consequently, he could help me realise my own biases, which gave me more perspective to think more broadly and provided me with an instant sense of relief.

Robert’s methods are immediately addressing the problems at hand. Therefore impact is instantaneous. I found his method effective and gentle all at the same time.

Based on the above, I would highly recommend Robert’s services in complex situations when there is an immediate need to remove some of the anxiety and gain perspective to think more calmly and clearly.


Robert is professional, empathetic and thoughtful. His friendly demeanour enables clients to discuss their issues at ease resulting in a successful outcome.


“In many ways I have been very lucky in life, with a great job, a loving partner and loads of free time to travel and experience the world. Despite this I felt that there was something missing and I also had some confidence issues that were preventing me from moving forward.

“Robert has used coaching and his extensive knowledge of therapy interventions to help me find more focus in life and overcome my own limitations. I am now finding more purpose and confidence to map out and take control of my future, while making the most of the things I have now.”


I had an intensive [breakthrough] session with Robert  and was very pleased with the results. He is able to provide a wide range of NLP techniques to address various issues effectively and quickly and I would certainly recommend his services to others.

Ed T, Australia

“I was introduced to NLP by a colleague, to help with the general anxiety I had been feeling for quite some time. I was keen to try a more positive approach than therapy I had experienced previously. In the past 6 months since working with Robert I have come further than I thought possible back then! “Timeline therapy worked quickly to help me draw a line under negativity from the past, and Robert has equipped me with a number of practical ways to help me manage things better going forward. This has positively impacted on my general wellbeing and my close relationships. I also learned a lot about myself and what’s important to me through the coaching exercises. “I no longer feel that anxiety is a problem for me, it’s just a case of understanding and managing things better which I am now able to do.”

KathrynHaywards Heath

Robert helped me through a difficult period of my life without Judgment and with calmness.  He gave me tools to help and very practical solutions to the issues I had, using appropriate methods for each problem.  It certainly made a complicated stage in my life so much easier to deal with.

My golf has even improved as a result of his  visualisation techniques!

Highly recommended.

S.C. - Lindfield