Breaking out of Prison – Christopher McLaughlin
As I write this I’m stuck in a prison – the prison of the mind. A lot of people run aground in their lives and stay in that place most of the time. I am determined to break free and …
As I write this I’m stuck in a prison – the prison of the mind. A lot of people run aground in their lives and stay in that place most of the time. I am determined to break free and …
I have published this interview on International Women’s Day 2021 because it has particular relevance to the theme of the event, which is #choosetochallenge. In our ‘Inspiring Success’ interview, Sian Edwards talks about the lack of women at the highest …
Sian Edwards, conductor, on women conductors, leadership and conducting during Covid Read more »
In this, the first ‘Inspiring Success’ video I interview Professor Alyssa Westring, Vincent de Paul Associate Professor of Management and Entrpeneurship at DePaul University’s Driehaus College of Business. We talk about how to create more successful lives as parents. Juggling work, …
Guest post by Arnie Wilson, Ski, Travel & showbiz writer,editor and broadcaster. Guinness World Record Holder. Today I continue my occasional series of guest blogs from successful people in all walks of life. In this piece Arnie Wilson tells the …
Guest post by Ewan Mochrie, author of ‘It’s Time’. In 1949 Joseph Campbell published The Hero with a Thousand Faces. By doing so Campbell brought into sharper focus the underlying structure of myths and storytelling. This structure is known as …
With self-isolation a key response to suspected coronavirus symptoms, many of us are making contingency plans. In the school playground today, I heard people discussing the practicalities of working at home. They discussed using their laptops and talked about holding …
I’m writing this on 16 January, 2020, so I guess it goes without saying. But life in January does seem to follow some specific themes. Although there are positives, many of these are quite disheartening. I think if I asked …
Is it me or is everything just a little bit January? Read more »
I have been a therapist and coach for over 6 years at the time of writing this. I have lost count of the number of people I have helped over that time. Even so, I still get excited when a …
Passion is a big word that suggests something overpowering, uncontrollable and visceral. When we say we want to discover our passion, the word asks us to connect to our deepest selves. Many people are able to say what their passion …
Discover your passion. 3 ways to find out what you love. Read more »
Finding your vision, or purpose, or your direction in life can feel like an impossible challenge. It is certainly among the top reasons that clients come to see me. The clues are often there, though and sometimes in the most …
Finding your vision is like reading a detective novel Read more »